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McKamara & Co
Protecting your hard-earned wealth for your loved ones
"We put clients first, front and center by committing to our Client Charter"
We promise we will always…
Engage with you as an individual and not as a case.
Listen to you to understand your situation, expectation and wishes.
Communicate with clarity and avoid jargon.
Act in your best interests.
Act with integrity
Protect your confidentiality.
Respond promptly with your letters, emails and phone calls.
Agree transparent costs that reflect the value of our work.
Provide you peace of mind and understanding.
Provide you the best specialist advice for your situation.
Our Client Charter is our written promise to you of the commitment we make when taking you on as our client. Our goal is always to meet your highest expectations of service, quality and specialist advice. Your case is unique and we believe this deserves a unique response.
We are committed to our approach and to achieving the outcome you are seeking.
You can read about Wills here.